Anxiety can be a debilitating psychological issue, leaving patients with continuous negative thoughts and potentially even panic attacks. However, prolonged stress can also have physical side effects that impact every part of your body, from your teeth to your heart. Below are a few symptoms that may be alleviated with anxiety treatment.

Physical Symptoms of Anxiety

  1. Tooth & Jaw Pain

Many people hold tension in their jaws, constantly clenching their teeth without realizing it. In severe cases, anxiety can even lead to broken teeth and TMJ—a condition that may limit jaw movement.

  1. Cardiovascular Issues

Living with anxiety means being in a constant state of fight-or-flight, which triggers your heart to beat faster. As a result, people with anxiety disorders often have high blood pressure and are more than twice as likely to have a heart attack.

  1. Frequent Illnesses

Constant stress also suppresses your immune system, leaving you more vulnerable to colds, the flu, and more serious diseases. Anxiety treatment includes medication that can reduce the levels of stress hormones interfering with your immune response, giving you fewer sick days and a higher quality of life.

  1. Breathing Problems

Panic attacks may be psychological, but they can have physical consequences. For instance, tightened airways and rapid breathing can contribute to the development of asthma and make other respiratory conditions worse.

  1. Muscle Pain

The body stores tension and stress in unexpected places, such as the muscles in your back or hands. Over time, the tightness can leave you with sore muscles or hard-to-reach knots that can be very painful.