
Summer Body Truths

It’s spring. The sun is shining. The birds are chirping. The snow is melting again. For some, spring is a sign of warmer weather, new life, and exciting summer activities to come filled with picnics, barbeques, festivals, and summer parties. For many, it includes long days spent outside at the lake, on the beach, at [...]

I Don’t Want to Get Out of Bed: Navigating Depression on the Really Hard Days

The alarm goes off and you roll over and hit the snooze button. For many people, an alarm is an invitation to start the day and to get excited about what may lay ahead. But for those who are experiencing a depressive episode, an alarm every morning feels like a cruel reminder of the weight [...]

Parents: 5 Things to Talk to Your Kid About

By Heather Rouillard, M.A. I have worked with teenagers for a few years now, and somehow, the beginning of the school year causes me anxiety too. Bottom line, school is stressful. Kiddos have to worry about their social life, their appearance, sports, if their friends are in their class, etc. Oh yeah, AND school. I [...]

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