
A Letter From a Therapist to a Human with Suicidal Thoughts: World Suicide Prevention Day

A Letter From a Therapist to a Human with Suicidal Thoughts: You Are Worth So Much More Than Your Thoughts are Trying to Convince You By Kristin Canan, LICSW Dear Fellow Human, I want to start off by apologizing, not from a place of pity, but from a place of genuine sorrow that so many [...]

“Surviving” Suicide: How to Heal in the Wake of Tragic Loss

**WARNING: Potentially triggering, please read with caution** Written by Megan Unertl, MA, LPCC You are a “survivor of suicide,” and as that unwelcome description implies, your survival—your emotional survival—will depend on how you learn to cope with your loss. The bad news: What you are experiencing is horrific, will take time and will surely be [...]

2020-09-22T12:46:39-05:00Specialties: News, Suicide Awareness|Tags: , |
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